Mission of MES Private ITI:

To create an Institute of excellence for all round development of rural youth, enabling them to acquire the right attitude, knowledge and skills as are required for their progress and prosperity and make them worthy citizen of India.

To achieve this, Institute shall impart quality Vocational Education and Training through world class facilities that will not only develop technical competence but also will imbibe the right values and attitudes.



  • To provide semi-skilled/skilled workers to industry by systematic training to school leavers.
  • To enhance the customer (trainees and industries) satisfaction by providing the right attitude, knowledge and employable skills
  • To achieve optimum success rate in trade examinations of the trainees and also in getting industrial employment /self employment, by imparting Quality Training with continuous evaluation of trainee’s growth/development/performance
  • To upgrade/updating the skills, the knowledge of trainers/faculty through continuous training/workshops and quality circles to meet the changing training needs of the industries